
Villa Benić

Gradišće 9, 52341 Žminj
Kuća za odmor
Bazen grijani (28 m2)
Okućnica 500 m2
10 osoba/e
Osiguran parking
O objektu

Villa Benić savršena je za smještaj dvije do tri obitelji s djecom. Nalazi se u mirnom i prirodnom okruženju, s velikim ograđenim dvorištem, puno prirodne hladovine, dječjim igralištem i odvojenim objektima koji garantiraju privatnost. Nije prikladna za proslave, djevojačke i momačke zabave te velika i glasna okupljanja.

Smještaj je raspoređen u dva objekta, od kojih je jedan prizemni, a drugi na dvije etaže, a nalaze se u zajedničkom dvorištu. Svaki se sastoji od 2 spavaće sobe, kuhinje s dnevnim boravkom i kupaonicom i može primiti po 4 osobe na osnovnim krevetima. Dodatna 2 ležaja (fotelje na razvlačenje) smještena su u jednom objektu u spavaćim sobama. Također, na vaš zahtjev, možemo dodati i dječji krevetić. Na taj način svaka obitelj ima svoju privatnost. Treći objekt – kućica kraj bazena – savršen je za zajednička druženja, večere i opuštanje kraj bazena. Cijeli objekt s dvorištem vam je na raspolaganju.

Svi objekti su u potpunosti opremljeni klimatizacijskim uređajima, televizijama, kućanskim aparatima, posuđem, priborom za jelo, posteljinom, ručnicima i toaletnim potrepštinama.

Prostrano dvorište raspoređeno je u nekoliko međusobno povezanih zona pa je vrlo lako paziti na mališane dok se bezbrižno igraju u svom kutku. Vjerojatno će i vama najdraža biti zona s bazenom i udobnim ležaljkama na sunčanom dijelu te loungeom na natkrivenom dijelu terase gdje ćete se opuštati uz omiljenu glazbu, knjigu i čašu vrhunskog istarskog vina. Poželite li malo privatnosti, moći ćete se povući na ograđenu terasu s vrtnom ljuljačkom savršenu za romantično opuštanje.

Ljeto je kao stvoreno za roštiljanje na otvorenom. Ukusna jela s gradela moći ćete pripremati na prostranom roštilju na drva ili ugljen, potpuno opremljenom sa svim alatima za roštiljanje.

NOVO: Od sada u grijanom bazenu možete uživati i u proljetnim i jesenskim danima!

Najmlađima će, osim bazena, omiljeno mjesto biti i dječje igralište – toranj s toboganom i ljuljačkama – smješteno u prirodnoj hladovini višegodišnjih stabala.

Nismo zaboravili ni na vaše limene ljubimce kojima smo osigurali dva parkirna mjesta unutar ograđenog dvorišta.

Omogućen self-check-in.

Check in /
check out
  • od 16:00 h do 22:00 h
  • od 8:00 h do 10:00 h
Opremljenost objekta
  • Internet
  • Osiguran parking
  • Bazen grijani (28 m 2)
  • Tuš uz bazen
  • Igralište za djecu
  • Dvorište ili okućnica
  • Kućni ljubimci nisu dozvoljeni
Detalji jedinice
Kuća za odmor
na dvorište, na bazen
500 m2
  • Spavaća soba: 4
  • Kuhinja: 3
  • Dnevni boravak: 3
  • Kupaonica: 3
  • Terasa ili veranda: 2
  • Bračni krevet: 3
  • Krevet za jednu osobu: 2
  • Pomoćni ležaj: 2
  • Klima
  • Kamin
  • Sat. / kablovska TV
  • Perilica rublja
  • Vanjski roštilj
  • TV
  • Zabranjeno pušenje
  • Pogodno za boravak djece
  • Grijanje
  • Sef
  • Kutija prve pomoći
  • Protupožarni aparat
  • Perilica suđa
  • Kuhalo za vodu
  • Aparat za kavu
  • Toster
  • Kuhinjski pribor
  • Električni štednjak
  • Hladnjak
  • Pećnica
  • Mikrovalna
  • Hranilica
Spavaća soba
  • Posteljina
  • Dječji krevetić
  • Tuš kabina
  • Ručnici
  • Sušilo za kosu
Dnevni boravak
Kupaonica / wc
Početak razdoblja Kraj razdoblja Cijena / noć
09.01.2024 27.04.2024 EUR 150,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
28.04.2024 01.06.2024 EUR 200,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
02.06.2024 29.06.2024 EUR 250,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
30.06.2024 25.08.2024 EUR 320,00 Minimalni boravak: 7 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
26.08.2024 08.09.2024 EUR 250,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
09.09.2024 29.09.2024 EUR 200,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
30.09.2024 19.12.2024 EUR 150,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima
20.12.2024 31.12.2024 EUR 250,00 Minimalni boravak: 5 noćenja / Odlazak - dolazak: svim danima

Prijava: od 16:00 do 22:00 sata
Odjava: od 08:00 do 10:00 sati

Cijena uključuje:
- smještaj za do 8+2 osoba*
- posteljinu
- ručnike (2 po osobi)
- Wi-Fi
- drva/ugljen za roštilj
- korištenje bazena**, ležaljki i dječjeg igrališta
- privatni parking (2 parkirna mjesta)
- troškove čišćenja, režija, boravišne pristojbe i porez
- standardni check in i check out***

* Pomoćni ležajevi, dječji krevetić i hranilica opremaju se na zahtjev gosta prilikom rezervacije bez nadoplate.

** Bazen se može koristiti od 15. 05. do 30. 09. Vlasnik se brine o održavanju.

*** Za check-in koji je raniji i check-out koji je kasniji od 3 do 10 sati od službenog doplata je u visini od 50 % noćenja. Za check-in koji je raniji i check-out koji kasniji od 10 sati od službenog naplaćuje se puno noćenje. Raniji check-in i kasniji check-out mogući su samo na dane kada nema odlaska/dolaska drugih gostiju i dogovaraju se individualno s domaćinom.

Uvjeti plaćanja i otkazivanja rezervacije:
Obavezna je avansna uplata 50 % vrijednosti rezervacije bankovnim transferom ili PayPalom. U slučaju otkazivanja rezervacije do 30 dana prije datuma dolaska, akontacija će biti vraćena u potpunosti. U svim ostalim slučajevima otkazivanja i nedolaska akontacija se ne vraća.

Kućni ljubimci:
Boravak kućnih ljubimaca u kući nije dozvoljen.

Pušenje u kući nije dozvoljeno. Izvan kuće pušenje je dozvoljeno.

Polog u iznosu od 300 EUR polaže se pri dolasku, vraća na odlasku (uplata bankovnom transakcijom ili PayPalom). U slučaju štete, polog se ne vraća.

Za boravak kraći od minimalnog boravka doplaćuje se 100 EUR.

Listopad, 2024
  • željeznički kolodvor:
    20 km
  • zračna luka:
    40 km
  • more:
    30 km
  • plaža:
    30 km
  • mjenjačnica:
    2 km
  • ljekarna:
    2 km
  • bankomat ili banka:
    2 km
  • pošta:
    2 km
  • benzinska stanica:
    2 km
  • autobusni kolodvor:
    20 km
  • centar mjesta:
    2 km
  • market:
    2 km
  • tržnica:
    2 km
  • à la carte restoran:
    2 km
  • doma zdravlja ili hitna pomoć:
    2 km
  • teniski tereni:
    30 km
5 Od 5

Fantastische en ontspannende vakantie Family Stevens / Belvilla / Aug 2022

Villa Benić

De villa en faciliteiten voldeden volledig aan onze verwachtingen. We hebben hier van een fantastische en ontspannende vakantie kunnen genieten.

5 Od 5

It fits perfectly for 2 families Marissa / Aug 2022

Villa Benić

We had such a great time at your house. It is really beautiful and fits perfectly for 2 families.
My friends and me already talked about holidays next year.

5 Od 5

Zeker aan te raden! Family Annick / Belvilla / Jul 2022

Villa Benić

Zeer ruime vakantiewoning voor twee gezinnen. Bij aankomst aangenaam verrast. Woning was zeer schoon en alles was voorhanden. Gaande van toiletpapier tot afwasmiddel, wasmiddel, zout, peper, ... Zwembad ook groot genoeg en proper onderhouden. Aangenaam contact met eigenaars tijdens het verblijf. Zeker aan te raden!

5 Od 5

Highly recommend Elise S. Crane (USA) / Aug 2021

Villa Benić

Our extended family group of eight absolutely loved our 5-day stay at Villa Bencic and hope to return someday. Marijeta was incredibly communicative from the very first booking inquiry I sent - which was at the recommendation of a friend who had also stayed at Villa Benic with a large group and loved it - and she was so attentive to our every need. She organized bike rentals for our visiting family members and we had some unforgettable rides through the gorgeous countryside surrounding the house. It really is perfectly located and within a 45-minute drive of all of Istria’s most wonderful destinations. We took day trips to Rovinj, Pula, Motovun, and the Brijuni Islands, and also had plenty of time to just relax by the wonderful pool. Highly recommend.

5 Od 5

Excellent vacation Natalija (Croatia) / Sep 2020

Villa Benić

We had excellent stay in Villa Benic! It was clean, the owners are super friendly and we had excellent comunication with them. I recommend it! :)

5 Od 5

Haus im allgemeinen sehr zu empfehlen Michaela (Germany) / Sep 2020

Villa Benić

Mega freundliche Gastgeberin. Immer für eine schnelle Antwort zu haben. Sehr sehr sauber. An alles gedacht. Pool top top sauber . Das Haus im allgemeinen sehr zu empfehlen.

5 Od 5

Wir würden definitiv wieder kommen! Matthias / AIRBNB / Jul 2020

Villa Benić

Die Anlage mit den 3 Häusern, Pool und Grünstreifen ist sehr schön und perfekt geeignet für Gruppen von Freunden oder befreundete Familien. Wir würden definitiv wieder kommen!

5 Od 5

The Pool and Lounge area was a big plus Christoph / AIRBNB / Jul 2020

Villa Benić

As a group of 10 guys we had a perfect stay in the Villa Benic. We were missing nothing, everything was given. Especially the big grill was used a couple times from us. Also the Pool and Lounge area was a big plus. We definitely recommend the Villa and would come for sure again.

5 Od 5

I servizi veramente completi Mauro (IT / AIRBNB) / Jun 2020

Villa Benić

Consigliato vivamente per famiglie numerose o gruppi di amici. Spazi adeguati e servizi veramente completi

5 Od 5

Ideale vertrekplaats dus. Wij gaan zeker nog eens terug. Mr Hermans / Belvilla / Jul 2019

Villa Benić

De huiseigenaar verwelkomde ons zeer hartelijk. Het zijn zeer vriendelijke mensen. Wij voelden ons meteen op ons gemak. Ze liet ons de mooie accommodatie zien en gaf ook wat tips wat er in de buurt allemaal te bezichtigen valt. Als er iets is kan je hen altijd contacteren. Het huisje ligt in een zeer rustige omgeving wat voor ons een pluspunt is. Alles is wel kort in de buurt. Voor ons een ideale plaats om tot rust te komen en als we ergens naar toe wilden konden we alle richtingen uit. Wij zijn tijdens ons verblijf in het noorden, zuiden, oosten en westen van Istrië geweest. Ideale vertrekplaats dus. Wij gaan zeker nog eens terug.

5 Od 5

We had an amazing stay at Villa Benic and would definitely return again! Ilsa (UK / Airbnb) / Jun 2019

Villa Benić

As a group of 8, the property was the perfect size as we could use the pool house solely for cooking and eating, without needing to use up the space sleeping extra people on the sofa bed. It was lovely to have a dedicated communal space and a table large enough for us all to sit around. The pool, sun loungers and BBQ, as well as the additional outside seating made it a joy to be outdoors, which we did as much as possible while at the property. Marijeita, who managed our check in to the house etc., was an absolute angel. When our flight was delayed she came to greet us at the airport to make checking in easier, and given that we were landing late at night she even went to the supermarket for us so that we would have a few groceries in the house for breakfast the following morning. She could not have been more friendly and communicative, and really helped us with her quick responses to questions and willingness to go the extra mile! A hire car is an absolute must - about 30 mins drive into Pula town and between (Phone number hidden by Airbnb) minutes for various well-known beaches in the area. The house is super easy to find using (Hidden by Airbnb) maps etc., we had no problem finding it in the middle of the night.

5 Od 5

Wir hatten einen schönen Aufenthalt Felicia (Airbnb) / Sep 2018

Villa Benić

Wir hatten einen schönen Aufenthalt, sehr gepflegte Anlage mit schönem Pool! Rovinj oder Porec in ca 30 Minuten mit dem Auto erreichbar. Jederzeit zu empfehlen!

5 Od 5

Our party of 10 with 6 children ages 5-15 stayed here for 2 nights in June 2018 Alyson (Airbnb) / Jun 2018

Villa Benić

Our party of 10 with 6 children ages 5-15 stayed here for 2 nights in June 2018. We highly recommend it! It was hard to tear ourselves away from the pool, swings, small slide, and covered porch areas to go sightseeing. For a party of 10, having 3 showers and toilets, as well as a full-size kitchen and eating area worked very well. The owner met us and responded quickly to anything that came up. The villa is clean, up-to-date, has reliable appliances, and is so, so restful, with everyone having plenty of room to themselves. Our kids were happy that 4 of the beds were singles in Apartment #2. The pool is about 4 ft deep, but large enough for our number of kids to have a lot of fun. (The littlest used her floaties.) The location is excellent: 30 or so minutes to most Istria attractions. We visited Pula's arena, Porec's boardwalk and ancient basilica, and Motovun. (We had been to Rovinj before.) We ran out of time for seeing as much as we would have liked, but squeezed in the Pazin ziplines which were very affordable compared to USA zip lines, and our 5-year-old was thrilled to join the big kids in that big adventure. The ziplines over the canyon are really extraordinary! The owner recommended a pizza place in Zminj that was excellent (but just note that it doesn't open until 2pm) and reasonably priced. I would love to go back. Thank you, Marijeta and Kristina, for a lovely time.

5 Od 5

Spent a week in a very nice villa in Gradisce. Jussi (Airbnb) / Jul 2017

Villa Benić

Spent a week in a very nice villa in Gradisce. Location was perfect for us - we saw almost every direction from Istria. 15-30km away from the Villa you will get east-, south-, or west coast. Own car is good to have off course. Marijeta was really good host for us. We got good information what to see and do. Especially tips we got from medieval castle show in svetvincenat and amazing zip-lines in Pazinska-jama as well. The villa itself was fully equipped and very clean. Especially the pool was the place our kids spent most of their time. I really recommend this Villa - especially families with kids!

5 Od 5

Fantastic house with nice swimming pool JanTanderup (Airbnb) / Jul 2017

Villa Benić

Fantastic house with nice swimming pool - located in rural area with sounds from donkeys, dogs and farmers traffic. Authentic experience with few tourists. Very good communication with Kristina and Marijeta.

5 Od 5

Bellissima villa nel centro dell'istria! Ottima per chi cerca tranquillità e privacy. Marco (Airbnb) / Jul 2016

Villa Benić

5 Od 5

Marijeta was a wonderful host. William (Airbnb) / Jul 2016

Villa Benić

Marijeta was a wonderful host. She helped us find our way when we were lost. She provided great information when we arrived and was very helpful in pointing out local attractions. The house was beautiful, and easily fit four adults, two teenagers, and four children. Everything was provided, including a coffee pot and ironing board. We truly enjoyed our stay. The location was perfect- just enough outside of the tourist areas to be relaxing, but not too far to drive to the beaches.

5 Od 5

Have just returned from 10 days staying at this amazing property. Diane (Airbnb) / Aug 2015

Villa Benić

Have just returned from 10 days staying at this amazing property. The accommodation is lovely and clean and well appointed. We had plenty of room and everything we could ask for. The property itself despite being in a rural location has neighbours but it is still peaceful. the buildings are totally surrounded for privacy and the pool is a real bonus which was much needed in the high temperatures of August! Marijeta was a very helpful host as was her husband who took us on an amazing boat trip, stopping off for a swim away from crowds when we asked, also showing us the coast around the area of Lijon. Nothing is too much trouble for Marijeta and she has made the property very comfortable with lots of nice touches like shower gel, kitchen cleaning liquids etc, loo rolls and a few items in the fridge to start you off, very welcome after travelling to get there! The location is ideal for touring the whole of the Istrian peninsula (a car is essential!) we enjoyed eating in nearby Zminj where there is also a bakery and supermarket! We toured a lot of the area even getting as far as Crikvenica in the East. Pula is well worth a visit (amphitheate!) as is Rovinj, and the Bujoni Islands. All in all this property is really lovely, plenty of space for a family of five adults comfortably with both private space and communal, studio area! Highly recommended!!:)

5 Od 5

Villa Benić is a renovated farmstead with two spacious apartments... Greben (Airbnb) / Aug 2015

Villa Benić

Villa Benić is a renovated farmstead with two spacious apartments and a very nice communal area; a very comfortable house to spend your holiday. The location is wonderful - as long as you have transportation - as you can get pretty much anywhere in Istria within 30-45 minutes (by car). Both the west and the east coast hosts lovely beaches, and you're close to Pazin with its zipline, 30 minutes away from Pula with its amazing colosseum, as well as the aesthetically beautiful hilltop villages of Groznjan and Motovun, and of course 25 minutes from Rovinj. The villa itself is rustic and lies in a quiet village near Zminj (not a town that has much going for it, though). We were able to see pretty much all of Istria that we were interested in within the two weeks of our stay, and relax and hang out by the pool as well. Speaking of which, the pool is a very nice touch, especially in the summer, as it was between 35 and 45 degrees our entire stay, so it was lovely to be able to jump in and cool off.

Communication and maintenance by the owner and her husband is just fantastic. The English of the responsive and friendly couple is excellent. They worked hard to make sure our stay was perfect, and therefore it was! They were always available for questions and the pool was clean and regularly maintained. All we had to do was call and they'd drop by to clean the pool. Excellent for young children, though sadly the pool is over 1 meter deep everywhere, making it difficult for small children to stand.

The owners also offered us the opportunity to go out on their boat, and we had a wonderful excursion around the islands near Pula. Definitely worthwhile!

Final thoughts: highly recommended!

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